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Jul 29, 2022 Sydney Tate

Post-Club Season

After Nationals had finished, I made the decision to take the entire month of July off to rest my body and mind until school season began again.

During that time I traveled to Rome, Copenhagen, and Florida with my family, helped with a middle school volleyball camp, babysat, and hung out with my friends. I felt that this was just the break I needed in order to return with the right mental headspace.

Spanish Steps - Rome, Italy 2022

I had a great time traveling with my family, and enjoyed playing relaxed grass volleyball with my family in Florida. In Rome I had some of the best food ever and saw some awesome historical sights. It was very very hot in Rome and we got lots of steps everyday walking around! In Copenhagen it was rainy, and a little chilly although it was still really cool to see all the gorgeous architecture. Lucky for us, the Tour de France started qualifications this year in Copenhagen so we were able to see some of the event. Although it took me a little while to adjust to the time change I loved traveling everywhere. 

Published by Sydney Tate July 29, 2022
Sydney Tate