Sydney Tate Blog

Beast of the Southeast

Written by Sydney Tate | Feb 9, 2022 2:50:00 PM

Atlanta, Georgia

February 5th-6th 

Our team had lots of practice between City of Oaks and the next tournament. I feel we got to speed up our offense and practice our consistency on closing the block and siding out in serve receive fast. 

Our team struggled with finishing games at this tournament and making too many errors in the final points of the match. On the first day we finished 1-3. Collectively as a team we talked after and found ways to improve for the next day! 

On the second day, we played Upward Stars again who came out strong. Unlike the last time we faced them, we were much closer to beating them, and definitely showed our improvement. We lost to Upward in 2 sets. After this game, we felt better about how we fought against them, and how we played as a whole. 

We won our second match of the day finishing Beast of the Southeast 2-4. We talked about things we could have done better, but also highlighted the things we did well. I felt that we just needed to finish in the final points of the game, but that we did a lot of good things throughout the weekend. 

As a team, we knew the things we needed to improve on in practice in order to be a successful team, and be able to play smart and collectively. 

Next up

  • Triple Crown Invitational NIT, in Kansas City Missouri on February 19th-21st.